WE CAN HELP ensure your successor achieves success to the fullest extent possible.


ExitReadiness® SUCCESSOR COACHING is designed to support business owners in preparing their successors for a smooth transition of leadership and ensuring the continued success and growth of the business. This comprehensive coaching program gives successors the necessary skills, knowledge, and mindset to take over the reins effectively and lead the business to new heights.


  1. Facilitate a successful leadership transition from the current business owner to the successor

  2. Equip successor(s) with essential financial and business management skills and knowledge for effective leadership

  3. Develop a strategic mindset and long-term vision to sustain and grow the business

  4. Foster effective communication and relationship-building skills to manage internal and external stakeholders

  5. Cultivate a strong sense of ownership, responsibility, and commitment in successor(s) toward the business

~ $2,500 per month | one-year engagement