Using Cybersecurity to Improve Your Company’s Valuation

Thanks to increasing reliance on computers, data, social media, programs, and networks, businesses all over the world are at a greater risk of a cyberattack or data breach. Companies have to fend off malware, DDoS, and phishing attacks at unprecedented levels. Cyberattacks have become so common that the cost of managing cybersecurity risks has become more of an investment than an expense. Consequently, one of the hidden costs of a cyberattack is how it affects the value of your company.

Cybercriminals, like water, find the path of least resistance. Investing in cybersecurity best practices, including a layered security strategy will reduce the risk of an attack. Stepping up your cybersecurity game will, in turn, enhance your market position and add tremendous value to your business. From a valuation perspective, strong cybersecurity means less risk for potential buyers and future investors. Cybersecurity diligence is particularly important for business executives who are looking to sell or are on the verge of selling.

Add Value to Your Company with Better Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has become a necessity for every business out there, whether they offer products or services. Cybersecurity is rapidly becoming a trend in company valuations. All the factors that go into the value of the company including data operations, assets, customer records, intellectual property, employee information, marketing tactics, etc. are all vulnerable to cyberattacks. Demonstrating cybersecurity strength and integrity contributes to a company’s value.

As you can see, improving your company’s cybersecurity stature will fetch you a better price when it’s time to sell. Here are a few ways to secure your business and improve its value.

Risk Assessment

Cybersecurity risk is the likelihood of reputational or financial loss from a cyberattack or a data breach. A cybersecurity risk assessment is essential to a company’s risk management strategy and data protection efforts. Assessing risks and vulnerabilities can help you understand, manage, control, and mitigate cyber threats across your business.

Network Encryption

Data theft, tampering, technical failure, eavesdropping, etc. have all become commonplace in data networks. Securing network transmitted data against cyberattacks and data breaches is imperative for businesses. Only encryption can make sure that your company data is protected while in transit across data networks and links.

Network encryption makes data unreadable by anyone who is not explicitly allowed to access the information. A VPN is one of the most effective encryption tools. It creates a secure tunnel between your devices and the Internet, protecting your data from snooping. A VPN can also be downloaded in simple steps.

Layered Defence Strategy

In today’s dynamic digital environment, having a cybersecurity defense strategy can help businesses strengthen their resilience to cyberthreats. This strategy employs a series of layered defensive mechanisms including antimalware and network security controls such as a firewall to protect your online presence.

An emerging trend in the business world is the use of cybersecurity in company valuation. Organizations must strive to improve their cybersecurity position and increase their value. But with the cyber threat landscape evolving at a faster rate than companies can keep up, this is easier said than done. Risk assessment, network encryption, and adopting a layered cybersecurity strategy are some of the steps business leaders can take to improve digital security and add value to their companies.

Chris Jones is the resident tech expert and managing director of #TurnOnVPN. #TurnOnVPN is an activist group whose mission is to promote free and unimpeded internet for all. We take part in numerous online events to advocate for a safe, secure, and censor-free Internet. Learn more at

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