Management Team

Answer These Questions if You Want to Accelerate Business Value in 2023

Most small business owners invest in the stock market, either directly or through retirement plans, with the goal of future financial security. However, not every business owner pays the same level of attention to the key drivers behind the value of, what is often the largest asset in their investment portfolio, their business.

In their book Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done by Ram Charan and Larry Bossidy, they speak about successful execution as “exposing reality and acting on that reality”.  These questions will help “expose reality” as we begin a new year, regarding your plan for building and growing the value of your business.

 1.         Do I have a healthy management team?   It's often been said that people are our most valuable resource. Experienced leadership, that understands the business, as well as the culture of the organization, is critical to the ongoing success of the business. This is also one of the key factors behind developing business value when it comes down to selling your business.   Cultivating these employees, and ensuring that they remain even after you sell the business is significant to the events or buyer/owner of the business

2.         How effective are my operating systems?  Human resources, personnel recruitment and training, asset control, production control, and performance reports are all the key ingredients of healthy operations within any organization. If these internal mechanics are not running well, this could have significant negative consequences on the value of the organization.

3.         Are my margins equal to or better than the industry average?  If not, what actions can will it take to get them there?

4.         How diverse is my customer base?  Having one's eggs in one basket is always a risk. Having a key single customer that has more than 10% of total sales obviously is a downside for a business. Long before being ready to sell it is helpful to take a look at this and pursue diversification.

5.         Is my facility in “ship-shape”?  - keeping our home reflects our values and our priorities. Similarly, keeping our business facility in a sharp condition reflecting professionalism and effectiveness is critical to establishing business value. It was so into an outside third party, first impressions are significant. They were plucked attention to the small details.

6.         What is my growth strategy?   The roadmap for growth needs to clearly laid out, risks identified, and goals established.  The future cash flow, value, and well-being of your employees is dependent on a vision for the future codified into actionable steps.  The plan alone will not get you there, but no plan will get you nowhere.

7.         Do I have control of my numbers?  At the end of the day, you need to understand the financial health of your business.

Exit planning should begin the day you start your business.  And, at the core, or center of exit planning is maximizing the value of your business.  Just as you manage the value of your 401k or investment portfolio, investing time, energy, and thought into building the value of your business will position you to exit in the manner you desire.  Get started today by exposing reality and assessing your business value drivers.

Invest 12-15 minutes in the FREE ExitMap® Assessment and get a 12-page report scoring you in four key exit planning areas: Finance, Planning, Revenue/Profit, and Operations.

A Month on the Beach  - A Key Measure of Business Value

Can you leave your business for a month, sit on the beach and leave your phone in the beach bag?  If so, you have attained what few business owners do – a business that can run without you!  Aside from sound cash flow, the creation of a management team is the most significant driver of business value.  When the time comes for you to leave for good, a buyer wants your team, not you!  If you can’t yet take that month, here are a few simple thoughts:

 What is a management team?  This will vary dependent on business size – but it is simply a key group of leaders who can run the day-to-day operations without your oversight.  While they may seek your INPUT, they can sell, and deliver service on their own.  They hold your values, pursue excellence and treat the company as if they owned it!

 The need to delegate.   This is the tough part – you must give responsibility to others.  Every business has four basic functional roles – Executive, Sales, Finance/Admin, and Operations.  Often owners fill each of these roles and thus are critical to everything.  If you can successfully delegate these roles (except perhaps the executive function) to others, you will create a team. 

 Who do you add to the team?   Chik-Fil-A has succeeded by carefully choosing leaders who possess three “C’s”  - character, competency, and chemistry. 

Character – this is the most crucial.  The manager must hold their values and live them out in their daily work. 

Competency  - this is less about specific skills and more about the ability and desire to learn. Environments change and learners adapt.  This trait should also have a dash of “fire in the belly” – the drive to build something.

Chemistry – do they play well with others?  Team members must be team players – readily partnering with others to build a company, and able to lead.

 Look for employees who possess these traits, empower them, and test them.  Slowly give them responsibility and look for the ones that you can’t hold back.  Help them succeed, give routine feedback and get out of their way. 

 How do I build a team?  The first ingredient is time – don’t rush – build slowly and intentionally. It is an ongoing, iterative process.  Here’s where to start:

         Step 1 – make a list of roles you fill / what you do.

         Step 2 – identify what ONLY YOU can do and what you are best at – these may be different.  Identify what you can most easily delegate or are not good at; transfer these responsibilities first. 

         Step 3 – find the right people/teammates – this can include current employees, new hires or reliable vendors.

         Step 4 – prioritize and make a plan to transfer the responsibilities over time.  Seek to remove yourself from all but the Executive function. 

         Step 5 –develop a potential successor – this final step is not for everyone – however it can enable you to sell the business to an insider, or remain as a passive owner.

         Step 6 – invest in the team, measure progress and adjust course as needed.

 Giving up control is difficult but a necessary part of business maturity.  Even if you never get to the “month on the beach”, taking these steps over time will increase value of the company, provide motivation for your staff and give you more options in the future.  It’ll enable you to work ON your business and not just IN your business.

 So, make a plan, start the transition and contact your travel agent!

Invest 12-15 minutes in the FREE ExitMap® Assessment and get a 12-page report scoring you in four key exit planning areas: Finance, Planning, Revenue/Profit, and Operations.