Exit Planning and Your Heart's Desires

The Problem

As a business owner, you pour your heart into your work, and it has become part of you. But at times, the business you have carefully nurtured for years can become a burden - there's a part of you that yearns to do something else - travel, spend more time with family, enjoy more leisure, or even start another new business. You need clarification. 

So, when it comes to considering the future of your business, where is your heart?

Along with sound financial preparation, a primary objective in a healthy exit planning process is helping the owner identify your objectives after you transition the business. Determining your life's course after you leave your business takes careful thought. The process may involve serious family conversations and consultations with trusted advisors. 

Unlike planning your finances, you are planning what will make you fulfilled and happy is far more subjective. Emotions, hopes, dreams, fears, and uncertainty often cloud clear thinking. The resulting lack of clarity can be paralyzing – so we do nothing. But there are some steps you can take right now to be sure you are on the right track.

Take Action

Grab a pen and do the following:

1. Make a list of what you want to do yet have to have time to do. Consider family, travel, hobbies, and volunteering. Be specific. Prioritize them and set some clear goals. 

2. Considering your business, make a list of things that you...  

a. Do for your business that you want to stop doing...

b. Under the right circumstances, I would like to continue doing...

c. How much time per week would you like to spend on those things you want to continue with?

3. What are the skills you possess that would be valuable to others? How could these be re-deployed?

4. Who else can provide you with input and ideas to plan for the next season of life?

5. What are your fears and concerns when considering the post-business future?

6. Use the list you have developed as a basis for thoughtful discussion with your spouse, advisors, and trusted counsel.

Then, begin to develop a draft plan for near-term (12 months), midterm (3 years), and long-term (10+ years) goals; as with any "strategic plan," assumptions and plans will change. Take small steps to begin what you want to change, and don't be afraid to refine the plan.  

Planning before circumstances force you to act under pressure enables you to strike a peaceful balance between reality and the future heart's desires. You will be able to minimize regrets. The hardest part of effective long-term planning is taking the first step. Start now!

Get started today with our Free ExitMap Readiness Assessment.

Corby Megorden

Corby Megorden has decades of executive experience helping organizations identify and successfully navigate the challenges of growth, risk, and change.  His expertise covers operations, program management, and financial development and has been tested in a variety of contexts including non-profits, industry, and the military.  As the VP of Operations for TeleCommunication Systems, he created corporate financial management, contracting, budgeting, and corporate merger processes, helping guide the company from startup to a publicly traded company.  As Administrator of a 4,000 member church, he developed structures, processes and procedures to manage finances and operations through periods of rapid growth, economic challenges, and radical organizational change, bringing stability and maintaining the fiscal health of the church.  He is a retired Captain with the Naval Reserves, serving the last 11 years of his 22-year tenure as an Executive or Commanding Officer.  With a Masters in Engineering Administration and 14 years as a licensed pastor, he brings a unique combination of knowledge of the processes and interpersonal dynamics in which organization function.  He is a Certified Cost Estimator/Analyst (ICEAA).

Corby has served on numerous non-profit boards including Covenant Life School, Christ Church of Mt. Airy, and ONE-U Campus Ministries. He and his wife Vilma live in Gaithersburg, MD.  They have two married daughters.