Cash Flow Projection and a Successful Exit
A small business owner named Simon understands how the cash flow of the business drives his current income, and as well how it would eventually impact the valuation and sale price. However, Simon lacked awareness of elements of potential exit routes that demand cash flow.
Create A Customer Concentration List
A significant reliance on one or a few customers will directly impact your business's sellability. A high level of customer concentration is risky for a potential buyer who will request a customer concentration list as part of their due diligence process. A wise approach to strategically building a business that is indeed sellable and to being prepared for a future sale transaction is to create and manage a customer list as part of your ongoing business management process.
A Month on the Beach - A Key Measure of Business Value
Can you leave your business for a month, sit on the beach and leave your phone in the beach bag? If so, you have attained what few business owners do – a business that can run without you! Aside from sound cash flow, the creation of a management team is the most significant driver of business value. When the time comes for you to leave for good, a buyer wants your team, not you! If you can’t yet take that month, here are a few simple thoughts…
Cash Flow Projection and a Successful Exit
A small business owner named Simon understands how the cash flow of the business drives his current income, and as well how it would eventually impact the valuation and sale price. However, Simon lacked awareness of elements of potential exit routes that demand cash flow.
Keep The End In Mind
Often business owners are exhorted to build their business with "the end", or their eventual exit in mind. This can be a good idea in that it lends toward building your business to have "transferable value", or value that someone else will want to buy and own when you're ready to leave. Value apart from you the owner.
Fidelity Investments, Kaizen, and Business Value Acceleration
Fidelity Investments is an international brand and one of the most valuable privately held businesses in the world.
Founded in 1946, Fidelity Investments celebrated 75 years of business in 2021. Through their 52,000-plus associates and global presence, they serve 40 million individual investors, manage employee benefit programs for nearly 23,000 businesses, and support more than 3,600 advisory firms with investment and technology solutions. Since its inception, Fidelity has experienced consistent and impressive growth.
A Hazy Crystal Ball is Better than a Rear View Mirror
Several years ago, I did a cross-country trip with my family. We laid out a rough plan of what we wanted to see, how long it’d take to get from Point A to B to C, and most importantly, what we wanted to eat!
When we hit the road, I did not drive looking primarily in the rear-view mirror, with an occasional glance at the gas gauge and the road signs, but looked ahead and tweaked the plan. Yet, that is often how business owners run their businesses; this year’s plan can often be “let’s do what we did last year – just more of it.” We look at whether we have cash in the bank and check our financial statements from last month and compare how we are doing against last year.
Will Your Business Be More Valuable This Time Next Year?
For many, January is a time of rebirth and resolutions. It’s a month to reflect on last year’s achievements and to set goals for the year ahead.
Some people will set personal goals like losing weight or quitting a nasty habit, and most company owners will set business goals that focus on hitting certain revenue or profit milestones. But if your goal is to own a more valuable business in 2019, you may want to make one of the following New Year’s resolutions: