Be as successful in exiting the business as you have been in building it.
We can help.
is right for you if ...
You are within ten years of exiting.
You need to decide which exit route will best accomplish your goals.
External sale
Internal sale or ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan)
Transfer to children
Absentee owner
You need to know how ready you and your business are for a successful exit.
You need to understand the risks involved in planning your exit.
You need assistance with the design and implementation of your exit strategy
Establish personal, family, legacy, and financial goals that impact exit strategy and success.
Recommend the exit route (external sale, insider sale, ESOP, absentee owner) that best accomplishes your goals.
Plan design recommendations: tax planning, protecting and building business value, and personal planning.
Outcomes / Deliverables.
Exit route recommendation.
Plan design recommendations.
Estimate of business value.
plan design and implementation
ENNIS Legacy Partners coordinates your Advisor Team's final plan design and implementation.
Coordinate and facilitate meetings.
Monitor and manage project progress.
On call for advice and counsel.
ENNIS Legacy Partners provides specific planning solutions. (SEE TARGETED SOLUTIONS PAGE).
Get Started with the FREE ExitMap® Assessment™
After answering 22 questions, you will receive a 12-page summary report ranking your preparedness in these four major planning categories: Finance, Planning, Profit/Revenue, and Operations.
NOTE: We do not request any confidential information with this assessment.
If you're a small business owner located on Main Street with revenue under $3 million and fewer than 20 employees, and you're interested in starting your exit journey virtually at your own pace, our Virtual ExitReadiness® Resources are ideal.