building a business that can be easily transferred or sold requires a next-level management team.
We can help.
enjoy life in the business and realize more options for exit.
A strong management team capable of taking the business to the “next level” of growth is vital for accelerating business value and maximizing an owner’s opportunity for a successful exit. It’s essential to have Managers who understand your company’s goals and excel at implementing them. They should be skilled at building key relationships and systems that align with your mission, values, and operational success. And the compensation and long-term incentive plans should be aligned with corporate growth and profitability goals.
Get feedback from key leaders and stakeholders.
Leadership self-assessment.
Compensation and long-term incentive plans.
Development Coaching Plan:
Incorporate strategic goals of the organization.
Identify 3-4 key areas of growth.
Review and modify, if needed, the alignment of compensation and long-term incentive plans for the following:
Rewards for corporate growth and personal contribution.
Ongoing Coaching:
Twice monthly coaching sessions.
Check-ins with stakeholders.
Support for timely decisions/issues.
Get updated feedback.
Complete personal Leadership Playbook.
Feedback & performance - authentic conversations that produce growth.
ENNIS Legacy Partners employs a team approach when coaching and training managers: Sarah Goelitz (team lead), Pat Ennis, Corby Megorden.