How Will Selling (Or Not Selling) Your Business Impact Your Lifestyle In The Future?

Our fictional business owner, Baby Boomer Jane Doe, is like most owners in that her business is her largest asset and will play a central role in achieving future financial security, goals, and dreams.  Jane has been in business approximately 25 years and, as a result of the steady stream of business revenue, she has experienced a very comfortable lifestyle that includes two homes, private education for the children, annual vacations, and plenty of discretionary income.  

But now Jane wants to plan for "what's next" as she now has grandchildren in different states she wants to visit regularly and has lost the passion once enjoyed in owning and running the business.  In conversation, Jane says with a level of exasperation, "I'm just ready to leave the business...I'm done".  Jane doesn't have management or children interested in purchasing the business, no longer wants to be an owner and thinks the best exit route would be a third-party sale.  

After engaging an exit planner to lead the design and implementation of her plan to leave, Jane is alarmed and disappointed to learn that her business is worth quite a bit less than what she had estimated and that a significant increase in her investable assets will be required to do all she wants to do post-exit.  Her financial planner assessed that her "plan for life after the business" would have a price tag of at least $4 million, while her business is really worth $1 million (Note: Jane had estimated a $2 million value), she has current investable assets of $1 million, representing an "asset gap" of $2 million.  And again, Jane wants to leave now!

As Jane's exit planner continued to "expose reality" regarding her business readiness for a successful third-party sale, Jane also had to come to grips with the reality of her business not being as sellable as she had assumed.  The planner pointed to a number of "value drivers" that needed strengthening (i.e., EBITDA, capable management team, plan for growth, etc.) to make her business more attractive to either a strategic or financial buyer. 

So, if Jane chooses to sell now and is able to, all indications are that she would not receive a sufficient amount of net proceeds to facilitate her post-exit life plan.  She will either need to begin now to execute a plan to accelerate the value of her business and sell at a later date or significantly reduce her post-exit goals and lifestyle...neither of which are attractive options.  Jane is not feeling at all good about her limitations and lack of control over her current options.  

It is now clear to Jane that it would have been wise years ago to assess both her personal and business readiness and put a plan in place to accelerate the value of the business.  If the business was more sellable and highly valued she would have more options for when and how she exits.

Have you conducted an accurate financial gap analysis including an objective estimate of business value and personal financial plan?  Do you have a plan in place to systematically maximize the value of your largest asset?  Will selling (or not selling) your business affect your future lifestyle goals?  Will it be sellable as more and more baby boomer business owners put their business on the market in the next decade?

Take control of your plan now so that you exit on your own terms and conditions.  Contact us for assistance with any of these critical planning issues.

Invest 12-15 minutes in the FREE ExitMap® Assessment and get a 12-page report scoring you in four key exit planning areas: Finance, Planning, Revenue/Profit, and Operations.

Preparing a Successor...How Long Does It Take?

It’s an important question to answer. The company’s future, the successor’s success, and the ability to make buyout payments depends on it.

When it comes to learning the business and the industry, an owner probably knows best as to how long that will take. Generally, this will take anywhere from 3-15 years. However, learning the mechanics of a business does not necessarily make someone a good leader nor a good owner. (After all, most successors have only been an employee.)

Clearly, some people are more natural at leading than others, but one thing is sure. We're not very good at self-assessment (especially when it comes to leadership). Assuming a successor understands the business, their effectiveness as a leader and as an owner needs to be objectively assessed and their weaknesses improved.

A leadership assessment followed by a program of executive coaching will accomplish this. After 20 years of developing leaders, I can say that the process generally takes about 6-12 months.

But a major challenge can arise. What if that successor turns out not to be competent as a leader and an owner? By way of example, years ago I had a client who kept bringing on potential successors (without my help, by the way...), only to have each of them fail. One after another (three in total), each failed and either left the company or had to be fired. Before they found a suitable successor, almost 4 years had transpired.

The bottom line is that it's better to start the leadership development process sooner than later. Don't hand over the keys to your business before your successor's competence is assessed, their weaknesses addressed, and their leadership and judgment demonstrated.


Michael Beck is an executive coach, business strategist, author, and president of Eliciting Excellence.  His 20 years as a professional executive coach has helped leaders improve interpersonal skills, sharpen strategic thinking, and enhance judgment.  He has worked domestically and internationally with a wide range of clients from diverse industries including technology, manufacturing, professional services, healthcare, financial services, and not-for-profit.  Michael has held executive positions ranging from CEO to  VP of Business Development and has a background in engineering (BS, MS – University of Pennsylvania) and finance (MBA – Wharton School of Business). Michael is the author of the book “Eliciting Excellence”, has a Black Belt in self-defense,  and is a competitive dart player.

Low Employee Engagement or High Turnover and Building Business Value

There may not be a greater management challenge in building the value of your business than engaging and retaining your employees. 

It is not unusual to hear business owners, with frustration, express as one of their greatest ongoing concerns the engagement and retention of their employees.  And it’s costly if you don’t do it right. A few years ago, The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reported that on average it costs a company 6-9 months of an employee’s salary to replace the employee.  For example, for an employee earning $60,000 per year, the costs of recruiting, training, etc. would be in the range of $30,000 - $45,000.  These figures are probably higher today.

Business owners typically understand from experience that low employee engagement and high turnover are financially expensive, but sometimes they’re not aware of how costly these challenges can be to the business culture they have worked so hard to establish (which is also financially expensive).  We’ve all heard the Peter Drucker quote, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”, implying that the culture of your company always determines success regardless of the impact of your business strategy.  So, culture is clearly very important for building and protecting business value, and a key driver of a strong culture is employee engagement and retention. 

Low employee engagement and high turnover are costly on all fronts.  What can a business owner do about it?

Our firm does not currently have a practice area or special expertise in employee engagement and retention, but we have observed some common practices among business owners who have a track record of success in it. 

  • Clearly established vision, mission, and values that are continually communicated and modeled by leadership/management, which serves to facilitate a strong corporate culture.

  • Clearly defined growth and succession plan that involves the retention of key employees.

  • Clearly defined and communicated employee incentive (rewards, retention) plans that are aligned with corporate goals for growth.

  •  Employee expectations are clearly defined and communicated.

  •  Employees are held accountable and receive regular feedback on their performance.

  • There is an employee selection and onboarding process in place that is well-defined, disciplined, and values-based.

For most small business owners, employees represent their greatest asset as well as their largest expense.  And hence, it is imperative that employee engagement and retention should be a high priority in managing toward a sellable business with maximum value.  It should be so valued by the business owner and management that it is seen as a significant aspect of the business culture by the employees. 

So, if you are in need of assistance in this area, it is well worth the investment of time and finances to get professional help as soon as possible.  The right advice can save you both money and time.

Invest 12-15 minutes in the FREE ExitMap® Assessment and get a 12-page report scoring you in four key exit planning areas: Finance, Planning, Revenue/Profit, and Operations.

A Succession Plan or an Exit Plan? Savvy Business Owners Have Both!

One of the questions we often hear from business owners is, “What is the difference between Succession Planning and Exit Planning?  Aren’t they the same thing?”  Surprisingly, they are not.  The next question usually is, “Which one do I need?” The answer is simple.  Whether the business is small or large, family-owned or not, astute business owners always need both.

Nearly $10 trillion dollars in business assets will be transferred globally in the next decade, according to Forbes Magazine.  Baby Boomers selling privately owned businesses or transferring them to family members will comprise much of that $10 trillion dollar transfer.  As the market becomes crowded with owners ready to sell, the advantage will go to those owners who have done their due diligence, considered all of their options, and planned for unexpected contingencies.

Succession Planning

Succession Planning focuses solely on transferring leadership inside the business from one generation to the next.  Succession plans identify key individuals within the organization who can be trained and mentored to someday take over as the existing business leaders exit.  Succession Planning is just one necessary aspect of a more comprehensive exit plan.

Exit Planning

Exit Planning incorporates succession planning with strategies for building transferrable value, reducing tax liability, preparing for unexpected contingencies, minimizing family stresses, and increasing the likelihood of a successful business transfer.  Exit plans also incorporate the personal and financial goals of the business owner, their spouse, and their family.  A prudent exit plan starts and ends with the long term business and personal objectives of the owner.

Plan Ahead for A Successful Exit

Succession plans and exit plans so share an important characteristic – neither should wait.  Business owners who eventually want to sell for top dollar with the least amount of trouble must start the planning process early enough to give it the thought and consideration it requires.   With the proper plans in place, you, the business owner, gains the ability to make critical long-term decisions that will significantly increase the likelihood of selling or transferring the business when you want, to whom you want, and for the price you want.

Take our FREE 15-Minute ExitMap® Assessment and find out how ready you are to exit successfully.

2022 Exit Planning Checklist

Like any strategic plan, it can be difficult to know how and where to begin strategically planning for your exit.  To help you along, the following is a baseline "2022 Exit Action List" meant to serve you in planning for that most significant event as a business owner...your future exit. 

DECIDE WHERE YOU WANT TO GO.  Establish Clear Goals and Objectives for Exit and Your Life After Exit.

  • When do you want to leave the business? Whom do you wish to transfer/sell the business to?

  • What are your values-based and legacy exit goals?

  • What is your post-exit "life-plan"? Business owners can often regret leaving when lacking a plan for life that replaces the sense of purpose and meaning they experienced in building their business.

  • Update your Personal Financial Plan. Find out how much $$$$ you will need post-exit to do all you want to do. Is there a gap?

ASSESS WHERE YOU ARE.  Without Accurate Data All Planning Becomes Meaningless.

  • Get an accurate Estimate of Business Value. If the business is your largest asset, shouldn't you know what it really is worth to potential buyers?

  • Assess your business Value-Drivers and areas of Risk.

  • Review your Business Continuity Plan for life transitions and unexpected death or disability to include written instructions. Co-Owners should include a review of their Buy-Sell Agreement to ensure alignment with the current goals of all owners.

  • Review your Estate Plan to ensure alignment with exit goals.

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT A PLAN.  Build Transferable Value and Enjoy a Future Exit on Your Own Terms and Conditions.

  • Which Exit Route will best accomplish your goals? Sale to Third-Party | Sale to Insiders | Transfer to Family Members | Sale to ESOP | Absentee Owner.

  • Focus on growth and profitability today. At the core of tomorrow's successful exit plan is today's profitability and plan for growth.

  • Strengthen business value drivers. An owner with a sellable business will have more freedom in life and options for exit.

  • Update a strategic financial plan for business growth.

  • Do you have the right Team of Experienced Advisors in place for your plan design and implementation?

  • Who will Manage the Exit Planning Project? You, a current Advisor, or an experienced Exit Planner?

The most important thing you could do in 2022 would be to GET STARTED AND GET HELP if you have yet to do so.  If you wait until “you're ready to exit” to begin planning, you won't be ready, and neither will your business.  Keep in mind, that "You don't know what you don't know" and like in all other areas of life, that could end up being disastrous. 

There is much at stake during this most significant event in your life as a business owner.  Take steps in 2022 to be as successful in planning your eventual exit as you have been in running your business. 

Following are some easy Next Steps:

Contact Us Today for a No-Obligation Exit Planning Exploratory Meeting. 

Take the Free ExitMap Readiness Assessment and get Online Learning and Resources at

“Thanksgiving” and A Successful Exit

“I’m grateful that we’re finishing the year strong!”

“I’m thankful we’re going to make it through another year”

“I’m grateful for our team!”

One of the key reasons we enjoy working with business owners is that we generally find them to be charitable, others focused, and grateful.  Sure, like the rest of us, they certainly have their days of complaining about things like lack of sales or “people problems”, but overall, our experience has been a mindfulness of all they’ve been “blessed with” and can be grateful for.

We regularly hear expressions of gratitude for

·      “Our customers”

·      “Our sales”

·      “We made it through the crisis!”

·      “Our employees – the people who have helped me build this business”

·      “We’ve seen tremendous growth!”

·      “Success beyond my expectations and what it means for my family”

·      “We are still in business after all these years!”

·      “For our reputation and role in the community”

 As Exit Planners, it’s important to listen to what Owners are thankful for, because at the same time we learn what they most value and care about.  Understanding an Owner’s “personal core values” is key to effective planning for their eventual (and inevitable) business exit.  For example, if care for employees and their future is a PRIMARY goal in an Owner’s exit, a sale to a third party may not be the best route for their exit.  The owner-based goals, values-based (what they are most grateful for and care about) and financial, should have impact on what exit route they choose.

You can make much progress in deciding how and when to exit when you gain clarity in what you most value.  And there is no better time than the week of “Thanksgiving” to consider what you are most grateful for pertaining to your business. 

A suggested exercise is to ask yourself (and your spouse if applicable) the following simple question during this week of thanksgiving: “As a business owner, who, and what, am I most grateful for?”  And record your thoughts and responses. Then when your Exit Planner presents questions pertaining to your core values and values-based goals, with a goal of helping you decide on the best exit route to accomplish your goals, you will have clear answers with conviction.

 Happy Thanksgiving!

Invest 12-15 minutes in the FREE ExitMap® Assessment and get a 12-page report scoring you in four key exit planning areas: Finance, Planning, Revenue/Profit, and Operations.

A Common Cold That's Double-Pneumonia

In a conversation with a friend who was asking about our business, I shared with him that business owners "don't know what they don't know" when it comes to planning a successful exit and how ignorance can result in either procrastination or no action at all until it's too late.  I went on to describe some of the severe financial and relational consequences due to inaction.

My friend's response was "That sounds like my brother who thought he had a cold but was diagnosed with double-pneumonia."  He went on to explain how family and friends were encouraging his brother to get to the doctor for a diagnosis but his brother "knew better" and continued to resist their strong exhortations.  He resisted until a few men that he worked with eventually took him to the hospital where he learned that he had double-pneumonia...which could have killed him.  He was in a coma for a month and ended up having to be in the hospital for almost two months.  Due to his lengthy stay in a hospital bed, he needed physical therapy to learn how to walk again. 

This gentleman was confident in his own diagnosis while what he did not know, that he had double-pneumonia, could have killed him.  With an early diagnosis, he could have avoided a near-death experience, a lengthy stay in the hospital, and weeks of physical therapy learning to walk again.

Business owners often "don't know what they don't know" as it pertains to planning their inevitable and eventual exit.  Professional Advisors often hear from owners, "I'm not ready to begin planning because I'm not ready to exit yet."  The owner may be aware of a "common cold" so to say, and not realize they're walking around with double pneumonia that could be disastrous for themselves, their family, their co-owners, and their employees. 

Don't be that business owner who isn't listening to Professional Advisors who are strongly encouraging you to get "diagnosed" NOW.  Listen to your advisors and act now to get an "exit readiness check-up" and create a plan before it's too late.  You may have double-pneumonia and don't know it. 

Get started today with this Free Exit Readiness Assessment.

Key Employees and Building and Protecting Business Value

You may have people working in key roles who are instrumental in growing and building the value of your business. These key people can be identified as having the following characteristics:

  • makes a substantial business contribution

  • possesses critical information or knowledge or

  • maintains and nourishes key contacts and relationships

In helping clients plan to build a business that’s sellable, and then eventually exit on their own terms and conditions, we emphasize that key people are a key value driver in realizing success in both of those strategic goals. And, we find it helpful for owners to have two categories in mind when considering key employees:

  1. Building business value

  2. Protecting business value

Key people help owners build value and exit successfully as their roles serve in removing the owner(s) from the day-to-day management of the business, and by accomplishing objectives and key results for growing the business, that are aligned with the exit goals of the owner(s). An important planning focus for the owner(s) in building value, as it pertains to key employees, would include alignment of the employee’s performance goals with the exit goals of the owner(s), and a well-defined key employee incentive plan that provides impactful awards for goal attainment and retention.

Owners need to be aware, that there is also inherent risk related to key employees. Risks involving departure and competition, solicitation of customers and/or employees, and disclosure of confidential information. There is also the risk of losing a key employee due to unexpected death or disability. It can be costly to recruit, train, and compensate for a replacement in such a situation, as well as makeup for any loss in corporate earnings. Important planning areas in protecting business value, as it pertains to key employees, would include: Well-written and regularly reviewed employee documents (i.e., Employment Agreement; (listen to ExitReadiness® PODCAST Episode 43 w/attorney Marc Engel) and adequate life insurance coverage on the key employee (listen to ExitReadiness® PODCAST 54 w/Bill Betz of Betz Financial Advisory).

Check out our virtual exit planning resources and solutions at

Five Warning Signs Your Business Is Too Dependent On You

If you were to draw a picture that visually represents your role in your business, what would it look like? Are you at the top of an organizational chart, or stuck in the middle of your business like a hub in a bicycle wheel? 

The Hub & Spoke model is a drive that shows how dependent your business is on you for survival. The Hub & Spoke model can only as strong as the hub. The moment the hub is overwhelmed, the entire system fails. Acquirers generally avoid these types of managed businesses because they understand the dangers of buying a company too dependent on the owner.

Here’s a list of the 5 top warning signs that show your business could be too dependent on you.

1. You are the only signing authority

Most business owners give themselves final authority… all the time. But what happens if you’re away for a couple of days and an important supplier needs to be paid? Consider giving an employee signing authority for an amount you’re comfortable with, and then change the mailing address on your bank statements so they are mailed to your home (not the office). That way, you can review everything coming out of your account and make sure the privilege isn’t being abused. 

2. Your revenue is flat when compared to last year’s 

Flat revenue from one year to the next can be a sign you are a hub in a hub-and-spoke model. Like forcing water through a hose, you have only so much capacity. No matter how efficient you are, every business dependent on its owner reaches capacity at some point. Consider narrowing your product and service line by eliminating technically complex offers that require your personal involvement, and instead focus on selling fewer things to more people. 

3. Your vacations… don’t feel like vacations

If you spend your vacations dispatching orders from your mobile, it’s time to cut the tether. Start by taking one day off and seeing how your company does without you. Build systems for failure points. Work up to a point where you can take a few weeks off without affecting your business. 

4. You know all of your customers by first name 

It’s good to have the pulse of your market, but knowing every single customer by first name can be a sign that you’re relying too heavily on your personal relationships being the glue that holds your business together. Consider replacing yourself as a rain maker by hiring a sales team, and as inefficient as it seems, have a trusted employee shadow you when you meet customers so over time your customers get used to dealing with someone else. 

5. You get cc’d on more than five e-mails a day 

Employees, customers and suppliers constantly cc’ing you on e-mails can be a sign that they are looking for your tacit approval or that you have not made clear when you want to be involved in their work. Start by asking your employees to stop using the cc line in an e-mail; ask them to add you to the “to” line if you really must be made aware of something – and only if they need a specific action from you. 

Invest 12-15 minutes in the FREE ExitMap® Assessment and get a 12-page report scoring you in four key exit planning areas: Finance, Planning, Revenue/Profit, and Operations.

Assigning Value to Key Employees

Key employees are “key” because they have a significant impact on the current and long-term success of the business. Hence, the business owner(s) will want to be intentional and strategic in aligning compensation and incentive plans for those key employees with the owner’s goals for business growth and exit. Owners should also protect against the potential loss of these valued employees due to death or disability, as their loss can be quite damaging and even destructive to business value and future growth. Following are suggested steps to take in assigning value to your key employees.

First, it’s important to identify the key employees of your business. An employee should be considered “key” to the success of a business if they:

  • make a substantial business contribution (i.e., marketing, sales, administrative) and/or…

  • possess critical knowledge or information (i.e, products, service, customers, operations) and/or…

  • maintain and develop key contacts and relationships (i.e., customers, suppliers, vendors, etc.)

Once key employees are determined, an insurable value must be assigned to each, which is generally more difficult than assigning value to physical, financial, or real assets. A value must be estimated for the amount of insurance to be purchased by the business on the employee’s life. The value of the key employee to the employer combined with the employee’s anticipated replacement costs equals the amount of insurance that should be purchased.

There are a number of methods that can be utilized in determining the value of a key employee or manager. Following are methods most often used:

  • Multiples of Income Method: The easiest and probably the most common method used. Insurance companies often estimate the amount of key insurance needed on a multiple of 5-7 times an employee’s total compensation.

  • Replacement Cost Method: The cost to locate, recruit, and train a suitable replacement.

  • Employee’s Contribution to Earnings Method: The earnings of a business, for purposes of estimating the insurable value of a key employee, come from its return on invested assets and the skill of the management team (plus expenses for recruiting and training replacement).

  • Present Value of Lost Earnings Method: Estimate the business’ lost earnings resulting from the loss of a key employee. The present value of the lost earnings plus the expense of recruiting and training a replacement becomes the insurable value of the key employee.

  • One Year’s Business Earnings Method: This method is generally considered to have the least credibility as it is not based on the actual or perceived value to the employer. But instead, it simply determines insurable value by assigning an amount equal to the total of the prior year’s before-tax earnings (plus expenses for recruiting and training replacement).

Protecting the value of your key employees is a critical step in protecting the value of your business. Oftentimes, until a sellable business value is built and realized, the most key employee is the owner(s).

For assistance, contact your insurance professional or contact us at or 301-859-0860.

Invest 12-15 minutes in the FREE ExitMap® Assessment and get a 12-page report scoring you in four key exit planning areas: Finance, Planning, Revenue/Profit, and Operations.

Thoughts About Family Business Transfers

You might think that a transfer of your business to a child or family member would be the easiest exit route to facilitate. Whereas statistics reveal that only one-third of all family businesses pass successfully to the next generation, and only 10% to the third generation.

Owners considering a transfer to children often run into these obstacles, among others:

  • The children not getting along with one another

  • The children not interested in the business and with different career goals

  • The children don’t have the same skill, ability, or temperament to be a business owner as the parents do

  • Fairness in transferring wealth to both children active in the business and non-active

  • The children want ownership and control of the business before their parents have achieved their financial goals

  • The business is strong and large enough to support a transfer while also providing for the financial goals of the parents

All business transfers are challenging, but family businesses face especially significant challenges. However, with the right pre-planning, the obstacles can often be overcome and a successful transfer can be realized.

Following is a basic set of questions for evaluating whether or not a family business transfer is the best exit route for you and your family:

  • How much wealth do want to keep? How much cash will you need post-transfer of the business?

  • Do you children desire to be owners? How capable and prepared are your children for ownership?

  • Is your business prepared for a successful transfer? Are growth and cash flow steady and increasing? Is the business large enough to support all children (if applicable) financially while providing each with areas of responsibility?

  • Are you ready? Financially? Most business owners are unhappy within two years of leaving their business — do you have a plan for life after the business? Do you have a plan to minimize taxes in transferring the business? Do you have a plan to treat all children (business active and non-active) equitably?

  • If applicable, can your children share ownership? Do you have any concerns pertaining to their relational harmony?

  • What contribution do you want your business active child or children to make? Pay for all or part of the business? “Sweat equity”? Is their future ownership actually contributing to your retirement plan?

  • Define fairness: What does “fair” mean to you and your spouse? To your business active child? To your non-business-active child? Do you need help with defining fairness?

  • What is your contingency plan if transfer to family doesn’t work out? Sale to other insiders or ESOP? Sale to third-party?.

There is much at stake when and how you leave your business, and never is that more true than when transferring your business to children or family. You would be wise to be as thorough and detailed in your planning as needed well in advance of your eventual transition. For every question listed above, there can be ten or more “drill-down” questions. As always, please let us know if we can be of assistance. | 301-859-0860

Invest 12-15 minutes in the FREE ExitMap® Assessment and get a 12-page report scoring you in four key exit planning areas: Finance, Planning, Revenue/Profit, and Operations.

How Can A Charitable Lead Annuity Trust (CLAT) Help Me Attain My Business Exit Goals?

Minimizing taxes, based on our experience, seems to be a “core value” shared by most, if not all, business owners. And, seldom are they more cognizant of potential tax burdens than when transacting a sale of their business. Many owners are also characterized by generosity toward others through charitable giving.

A CLAT, or Charitable Lead Trust, is an Irrevocable Trust designed to provide financial contributions to one or more charities for a specified period of time, with the remaining assets eventually being distributed to family members or other beneficiaries. A CLAT also provides an owner with estate and income tax benefits that can be particularly helpful in the year of a business sale. For example, our fictional business owner Sarah successfully sold her business this year. Following are a few key data points:

  • The payout in the year of sale is significant as she is in control exiting on her own terms and conditions. She built a sellable business.

  • As a result of the large payout this year, she also has income and estate tax problems. Her exit goals include minimization of both income and estate taxes.

  • Not only has Sarah been impactful through her business, but also through her generous and strategic giving to favorite charities through the years. She wants to increase giving with sale proceeds.

  • Along with personal values that she wants to transfer to heirs as part of her legacy, she also has financial legacy goals. So, she would like for a portion of her charitable trust assets to eventually return to her family and beneficiaries.

  • Due to her comprehensive planning process, Sarah has been able to sell her business on her own terms and conditions and have strategies in place to accomplish her tax minimization, charitable giving, and legacy goals — one tool playing a role in her strategy is the Charitable Lead Annuity Trust (CLAT). Sarah’s Charitable Lead Annuity Trust will provide her with both income and estate tax benefits, and work to accomplish her charitable and legacy goals.

If you’re a business owner like Sarah in the year of selling your business and have goals of minimizing estate and/or income taxes, charitable or philanthropic goals, and financial legacy goals, establishing a CLAT could play a key role in your comprehensive plan. Also, the current interest rate environment is particularly suited for CLATS as they are most effective when rates are low.

Check with your estate planning attorney and/or CPA, or contact us to see if a CLAT would be the right strategy for you. You can also learn more in our ExitReadiness® PODCAST episode with Estate Planning Attorney Jonathon Morrison of Ryan Frazer Goldberg & Arnold.

Invest 12-15 minutes in the FREE ExitMap® Assessment and get a 12-page report scoring you in four key exit planning areas: Finance, Planning, Revenue/Profit, and Operations.

Every Owner Has a Plan Until...

Mike Tyson, the heavyweight boxer, was quoted as saying, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."  Regardless of what you may think of him as a boxer or a person, it was a great observation.

It doesn't matter whether we're talking about boxing or business, the truth is that owners all have a plan for a transition until they get hit with a setback.  Some will give up after being derailed, but others will take a step back, correct their course of action, and find a way to succeed. Giving up on a course of action is not the same as giving up on a goal.

Having a strong attachment to the process with which to achieve a goal often undermines our success.

Let’s look at the typical transition options, the potential setbacks, and how to recover from a setback.

Typical Transition Options:

Generally, owners have two practical options - an External Sale (Exit) or an Internal Sale (Succession).  (The other option is to close the doors and sell the assets.)  An Exit is generally a sale to an Individual Buyer or it’s some form of Strategic Acquisition (M&A/Investment Bank/Private Equity).  In contrast, a Succession is a sale to a Family Member, a Key Executive, or via an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan).  A number of these options can be the right path for an owner, depending on the nature of the business and the needs of the owner.  The problem is that many times, things don’t go as planned. 

Potential derailers for a planned External Sale

Circumstances that can derail an Exit include:

·    Can’t find a buyer or attract capital – This can be due to a surplus of businesses for sale or to the nature of the business.  The greater the surplus of sellers, the more selective buyers can afford to be.  Additionally, the more dependent on the owner and his/her relationships, the less attractive the business.

·    Price too low – This can also be due to a surplus of businesses for sale or it can be due to business valuation issues like customer concentration, weak leadership, market concentration, etc.

·    Unacceptable terms – Sometimes buyers require an owner to stay active in the business for an extended period of time and or defer payment of monies pending performance.

·    Health issues (yours or a family member) – Clearly, this situation is unexpected, and a sale would be undertaken under pressure, which would result in a loss of leverage.

 Potential derailers for a planned Internal Sale

Circumstances that can derail a Succession include:

·    No qualified or interested successor – Either the person you had in mind to take over the business doesn’t want to, or you don’t have confidence in the person who wants to take over.

·    More than one interested family member or executive – You have more than one person who wants to be the successor and it creates conflict – sometimes significant conflict.

·    Too small for an ESOP – You like the idea of creating an employee-owned company, but the cost is too high and/or there aren’t enough savvy leaders to take charge.

·    Health issues (yours or a family member) – Clearly, this situation is unexpected, and a transition would be required before a successor is ready.

How to Reduce the Chance of Your Plans Getting Derailed:

The best approach to planning a transition is to be proactive, well in advance of your anticipated departure.  Start by pulling together a team of professionals sooner than later.  Their expertise can help you choose the best exit strategy for your situation, identify and resolve potential issues, and refer you to people with any additional expertise if needed.

·     Wealth Manager

·     Tax Planning Attorney

·     Successor Recruiting

·     Successor Development

·     Succession Attorney

·     Private Equity Firm

·     M&A Advisor

·     Investment Banker

·     Exit Planner

·     Executive Coach

·     Estate Planning Attorney

·     Commercial Banker

·     Business Broker

If your goal is an external sale, consider having a preliminary Quality of Earnings Report done along with a Quality of Leadership Report.  These two reports will highlight any shortcomings and/or impediments in advance of a sale so they can be addressed before going to market.  Additionally, consider selling sooner than later to avoid the surplus of Boomer-owned businesses coming to market and/or to avoid being forced to retire due to health issues.

If your goal is an internal sale, ensure you’ve identified your successor well in advance and make sure they want the role.  (If there is no one, then start the process of recruiting a potential successor as soon as you can.)  Once that’s done, start working on developing that person.  Develop their business savvy, their leadership effectiveness, their strategic thinking, and their owner mindset.  If more than one successor will be involved, objectively assess them and decide how to split/share responsibilities.

How to Recover from a Setback on an External Sale:

Basically, there are two paths to recovering from a setback on an external sale.  Start by attempting to make the business more attractive.  If possible, address the issues that caused the business to be less attractive, caused it to be worth less than you hoped for, or caused the terms to be undesirable.  If that can’t be accomplished, then switch to an internal sales solution by choosing or finding a suitable successor and grooming them to take over.

How to Recover from a Setback on an Internal Sale:

If your plan to have a particular person take over the business fails, re-evaluate and assess alternative successors and/or start the process to recruit a successor from outside the company.  Once you’ve chosen someone, begin grooming them to take over.

By the way, if you want to accelerate the development of your successor, consider bringing in a professional executive coach.  Having an objective, confidential sounding board can help them gain new perspective and develop the skills they need to succeed.

Michael Beck is an executive coach, business strategist and author.  He is passionate about developing successors and preparing them to successfully run a company.  His company offers leadership assessments and executive coaching, all designed to help successors succeed and owners get paid. Learn more at

2021 Exit Planning Checklist

All business owners will stop being business owners at some point.  So, there is no better time to begin planning for the inevitable than the present.  The earlier you begin planning, the more options you will have for a successful exit.

However, like any strategic plan, it can be difficult to know how and where to begin.  As we wrap up 2020, it's also an ideal time for us to publish a basic "To-Do List" that will serve you in considering that most significant event as a business owner...your future exit. 

DECIDE WHERE YOU WANT TO GO.  Establish Clear Goals and Objectives for Exit and Your Life After Exit.

  • When do you want to leave the business? Whom do you wish to transfer/sell the business to?

  • What are your values-based and legacy exit goals?

  • What is your post-exit "life-plan"? Business owners can often regret leaving when lacking a plan for life that replaces the sense of purpose and meaning they experienced in building their business.

  • Update your Personal Financial Plan. Find out how much $$$$ you will need post-exit to do all you want to do. Is there a gap?

ASSESS WHERE YOU ARE.  Without Accurate Data All Planning Becomes Meaningless.

  • Get an accurate Business Valuation. If the business is your largest asset shouldn't you know what it really is worth to potential buyers?

  • Assess your business Value-Drivers and areas of Risk.

  • Review your Business Continuity Plan for life transitions and unexpected death or disability. Co-Owners would include a review of their Buy-Sell Agreement to ensure alignment with the current goals of all owners.

  • Review your Estate Plan to ensure alignment with exit goals.

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT A PLAN.  Build Transferable Value and Enjoy a Future Exit On Your Own Terms and Conditions.

  • Which Exit Route will best accomplish your goals? Sale to Third-Party | Sale to Insiders | Transfer to Family Members | Sale to ESOP | Absentee Owner.

  • Focus on growth and profitability today. At the core of tomorrow's successful exit plan is today's profitability and plan for growth.

  • Strengthen business value drivers. An owner with a sellable business will have more freedom in life and options for exit.

  • Update a strategic financial plan for business growth.

  • Do you have the right Team of Experienced Advisors in place for your plan design and implementation?

  • Who will Manage the Exit Planning Project? You, a current Advisor, or an experienced Exit Planner?

The most important thing you could do in 2021 would be to GET STARTED AND GET HELP if you have yet to do so.  If you wait until you're ready to exit to begin planning, you won't be ready and neither will your business.  Keep in mind, that "You don't know what you don't know" and, like in all other areas of life, that could end up being disastrous. 

There is much at stake during this most significant event in your life as a business owner.  Take steps in 2021 to be as successful in planning your eventual exit as you have been in running your business. 

Following are some Easy Next Steps:

Contact Us Today for a No-Obligation Exit Planning Exploratory Meeting.  Take our Free ExitMap Readiness Assessment and get Online Learning and Resources at

Test Your Assumptions About Exit Options

Five years ago we met with the owner of a successful business who told us he wanted to exit in the next few years. When asked if he knew who he wanted to sell the business to, he responded: “I guess I will sell to a third-party buyer”. He didn’t at all seem excited about that, so with further questioning, we learned that he was moving ahead under the assumption that a sale to a third-party was his only option. We also discovered that his real desire was to sell to a key employee who had been instrumental in building the business, and a son working in the business. Also, he had already spoken to a strategic buyer who was interested in buying his business and expanding into the area.

In 2019 with our help he successfully sold his business to the key employee and his son. The moral of this story is to test your assumptions pertaining to how you will eventually exit your business. And, it’s best to have an expert test those assumptions…because you don’t know what you don’t know, and you may not even recognize where you’re making assumptions. Our client assumed he would not be able to sell his business to whom he wanted to, and had actually started down a path that he really didn’t want to travel down. With the right help, his assumptions were identified and tested, and in the end, he was able to do what he really wanted to do.

Identifying and then testing assumptions is essential for a successful exit. Our client realized what he really wanted to happen because he took the first step in seeking expert assistance. You can get started today with our FREE Exit Readiness Assessment. | 301-859-0860

Aligning Employee Incentive Plans with Owner Goals

Sarah wanted to exit in 5 years and had learned through planning and analysis led by her exit planner what “her number” was, as well as an objective estimate of the value for her business. She was pleasantly surprised to find that the financial gap for making her post-business dreams happen is not insurmountable. At the same time, she is aware that growing the value of the business (Sarah’s largest asset) will be necessary to close the existing gap.

With her newly designed comprehensive exit plan, and a decision to exit with a future sale to an unidentified strategic buyer, Sarah now has a crystal clear picture of what is needed to maximize and preserve the value of the business and attain her post-exit goals. Following are a few of the key value-driver action items identified during the analysis of Sarah’s situation:

  • Strengthen Management Team

  • Improve Financial Performance

  • Establish and document a Growth Plan

  • Increase Recurring Revenue

Now that Sarah knows how much she needs to grow the value of the business within her planned time frame for an exit, and what needs to happen to facilitate the required growth, she needs to take action in aligning employee incentive compensation with her strategic goals. For example, there is a need to increase EBITDA so she will implement an added incentive for the Chief Operating Officer that is tied to profitability. Currently, all that’s in place is a year-end bonus simply based on Sarah’s generous nature and whether or not they “had a good year.” She will do likewise for other employees who help drive the performance needed to accomplish her goals.

Sarah also now knows that it will be essential for these key employees to stick around during, and after, a sale transaction if the transaction is to be successful. Key employees who are not incentivized to remain through the owner's exit can seriously impact the owner proceeds at the sale and even destroy the deal.  

So, what does Sarah do? Stock Option Plan?  Phantom Stock Plan? Restricted Stock? Cash-Based plan? Stay Bonus? What plan or plans will be the most effective, easiest to implement, and cost-efficient?  Incentive planning can be complicated requiring deep expertise in statutory and technical requirements, tax planning, and other areas.   The Certified Exit Planner has made sure that the right experts have been involved and coordinated in designing and implementing Sarah’s new incentive plan, and so she is quite confident in the final plan.

In summary, be intentional in aligning your employee incentive compensation plans with your strategic owner-based goals for growth and exit, and get the needed expertise on your advisor team to help design and implement the plan. Effective incentive planning can play a key role in helping you attain exit goals within your desired exit time frame.

Contact us today for an exploratory conversation if you want to exit within the next 10 years. Don’t wait until you feel pressure to leave your business to begin planning. Plan now.

Invest 12-15 minutes in the FREE ExitMap® Assessment and get a 12-page report scoring you in four key exit planning areas: Finance, Planning, Revenue/Profit, and Operations.

What Is A "Stay Bonus" And How Is It Helpful?

Simply put, a Stay Bonus is an amount of money paid to “key” and/or “important” employees to prevent them from leaving when an owner either voluntarily (i.e, sale to third-party) or involuntarily (death or disability) exits the business.

Lifetime Stay Bonus example: An owner is approached with an attractive offer by a potential Private Equity buyer. The selling owner is excited about the offer and wants to move ahead with the proposed deal. As the buyer’s due diligence process is implemented, the key employees, who have not been incented to remain during transition periods, are all getting “nervous” regarding the uncertainty of their future with the business. One actually leaves and the others are “looking around”. If the selling owner had implemented a Stay Bonus prior to a potential sale it could alleviate this potential deal-killer.

Stay Bonus Upon Death example: In a meeting with a client and her estate planning attorney, the attorney was recounting the story of a business owner who recently passed away and how his passing impacted the family and business. Of course it was emotionally agonizing for the owner’s spouse and family, but what compounded the pain of the situation was there nothing in place to keep key employees in place to continue to run the business. Hence, key employees left and so did customers and the value of the business (which the owner’s wife was depending on) decreased significantly. A bonus that had been planned and structured to retain key employees during this time would have saved the family, the employees, and the customers from much pain and uncertainty.

Key considerations:

  • Plans designed for a short period of time must provide a meaningful payout in a short period of time if the business is sold.

  • Keeping key employees is almost always necessary for the business to be sold at a maximum sale price.

  • The benefit should be greater when the business is actually sold while more affordable when a potential sale went through due diligence but did not sell.

  • Key employees are often asked to do even more during transition periods than what their regular job description calls for.

  • As all cash sales to third-parties are the exception, owners are often exposed to post-sale financial risk that can be increased with departing or unmotivated key employees.

Invest 15 minutes and get our FREE Exit Readiness Assessment HERE. We do not ask for confidential information.

Goalposts, Goals and Your Business Exit

In this week’s episode of our ExitReadiness® PODCAST, we interviewed negotiation expert Randy Kutz of Scotwork USA on “key ingredients of a successful negotiation”, with an owner’s sale of their business in view. One of Randy’s main points had to do with “goals and goalposts”, and how an owner’s goalposts can continually move during a sale transaction if they don’t have strong convictions about their goals and objectives heading into the negotiation process. This uncertainty can easily result, and often does, in either seller’s remorse or a deal not getting done.

We have found in working with owners, that when giving any thought to their inevitable exit, they will often have a time frame for leaving the business (i.e., 5 years) and “their number”, or sale price in mind, but even these objectives haven’t been thoroughly tested and evaluated. Goals such as tax minimization, a plan for life after the business, care for key or important employees, sustaining the culture they’ve worked hard to create, family harmony, leaving on their own terms and conditions, may have received a head nod along the way, but frequently get little to no planning attention ahead of a potential transaction.

As a business owner, there is never a more critical event or time to be clear about what you want than when you exit your business. A reason being, there is a tremendous amount at stake…all that you’ve built…all that stakeholders have come to depend on…and all of your financial and values-based goals are at stake when you transition out of the business. And, you could at any time find yourself suddenly facing an offer from a potential buyer so it’s advisable to begin gaining clarity well in advance so that you can indeed move forward with conviction. If you’re not clear on what you want and need financially, what you value in regard to the future of your business in the hands of a new owner, or what you will do post-business to replace the significance and impact you’ve experienced as a successful owner, the likelihood of you experiencing regrets is quite high.

It is essential to “crunch all of the right numbers'“ in any transaction, and it is also critical to do the hard and often neglected “soft skills” work of establishing firmly your goalposts for a successful and satisfying business transition. Contact us at or 301-859-0860 for assistance.

Access the ExitReadiness® PODCAST with Randy Kutz HERE.

Invest 15 minutes and get a FREE Exit Readiness Assessment HERE.

What Exit Route Should You Choose?

There are not many absolutes in owning a business, but there is one thing that is absolutely certain….all business owners will stop being business owners at some point…100%. Along with death or permanent disability, the following are routes for leaving your business:

  1. Sale to one or more key employees.

  2. Sale to one or more co-owners.

  3. Sale or transfer to children or family members.

  4. Sale to an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)

  5. Sale to a third party (full or partial).

  6. Become an absentee owner.

  7. Engage in an IPO.

  8. Liquidate for asset value and close the doors.

As you would expect, there are advantages and disadvantages to each of these exit routes, and other than liquidation, each can require much planning and time to execute in a way that will accomplish all of your values-based as well as financial goals. Certain exit routes will lend toward a higher financial payout, while others afford more control for values-based goals like sustaining culture and care for employees.

We believe that it’s imperative for business owners to understand all available exit routes and the particular characteristics of each, and how they align or misalign with their goals for the future.

Begin increasing your knowledge today with our Exit Routes eBook. You can download it for FREE on our ExitReadiness® site under PRODUCTS.

The Importance of Estate Planning for Business Owners

It is not uncommon for the business to be the largest asset in a business owner's estate, while also being the primary source of income for their family.  As estate planning is essentially taking control of how property is managed during life and distributed and transferred at death, a business owner cannot do exit planning without estate planning, or estate planning without exit planning.  Exit goals, such as transferring a business to children, always impact an owner's family and estate.

An example of where an owner's estate and exit plans intersect would be in the area of business continuity.  Sarah, a widow of five years, owned a large women's apparel retail store.  She started the business twenty-five years ago and remained as sole owner as the business continued to grow and realize success.  Sarah's daughter Sue graduated from college three years ago with a degree in design, and both she and Sarah had a vision for Sue eventually taking over the business. Sarah's son Jack, and another daughter April, have no involvement in the business.  

Tragically, Sarah passed away suddenly a year ago causing great distress to her children.  The fact that she passed without having finalized her estate plan resulted in even more hardship for her family.  It was one of those things that she knew she needed to do, but just never could "get around to it" due to the day-to-day trials of running a thriving business.  She had a will but it hadn't been reviewed in over fifteen years.  

The consequences of not having designed and coordinated an estate and exit plan, Sue did not end up owning the business as both she and her Mom desired, the business was sold at a deep discount due to uncertainty among employees and customers, other assets also had to be sold to pay high taxes and estate settlement costs, and there was resulting tension between the siblings due to a disorderly distribution of assets.  This is a shortlist of the potential consequences of the deficient and disjointed estate and exit planning for a business owner.  

Like our fictional character Sarah, most business owners lead busy and full lives.  They can understand that estate and exit planning are important, but it can be difficult to plan the time to make it happen as it represents even more work.  So, it can be very easy to procrastinate.  

The focus of an impactful estate plan is not simply death but also the arrangement of assets (ownership and utilization) in ways that will help estate holders achieve financial goals in a tax-efficient manner during life while providing for survivors’ needs and the disposition of property at death. A successfully implemented estate plan can:

  • Minimize estate taxes and estate settlement costs

  • Ensure that cash is available to pay estate taxes and costs

  • Provide for an orderly transfer of assets that meets the estate owner’s objectives and intentions

  • Preserve assets during life

  • Protect business and ensure its successful transfer or sale

  • Provide peace of mind and family harmony

A well-thought-out and executed estate plan, as part of a comprehensive exit plan, will be instrumental in ensuring that the right person takes over a business when the current owner dies. Other issues that would be addressed in a comprehensive estate plan would include the appropriate business valuation, equitable estate distribution among children, a properly drafted buy-sell agreement, tax, and philanthropic planning.

As a business owner, it is wise to regularly review your estate plan to ensure that it represents your current desires and goals for your personal and business asset distribution. Please contact us if we can be of service to you in the review of your estate plan.

Invest 12-15 minutes in the FREE ExitMap® Assessment and get a 12-page report scoring you in four key exit planning areas: Finance, Planning, Revenue/Profit, and Operations.